The Numbers add up for West Coast Brokerage
Find out more about Lemara Commercial using Zilculator in our latest Case Study.

California-based Lemara Commercial is a leading brokerage providing professional services across a wide range of real estate classes, from multi-family units and apartment buildings to retail, hotels, and restaurants.
"Zilculator is our go-to solution for calculating the future value of real estate and the viability of businesses we are analyzing, augmenting our expertise in helping maximize business and real estate investment opportunities."

AJ Rana
Principal Broker at Lemara Commercial
"Here in gorgeous California, we’ve seen a huge increase in people who are interested in investing in real estate. We’re helping young people make their first commercial real estate purchase, and we’re seeing older, more seasoned investors grow their wealth and influence by continuing their success in order to set themselves up for retirement.”

Do you own a brokerage? Get a better deal with Zilculator's Enterprise accounts.
Two years ago, AJ Rana chose Zilculator to help the brokerage buy and sell real estate and drive M&A activity in the real estate space. Taking a research-led approach to identifying real estate opportunities in thriving locations in the Campbell/San Jose region, Zilculator provides brokers and their agents with the powerful, easy-to-use tools to carry out fast and accurate financial analysis on properties.
Zilculator’s investment property packages and pro forma reports help buyers to understand the deal’s financials and give them the confidence to write the winning offer.